This project was initiated in 2005. Since its initiation in 2005, we are holding CREP monthly seminars to compare regionalism in three regions. In September 2005, we held an international workshop and discussed the comparative methods of analyzing the regionalism.
In July 2006, we will hold the CREP International Conference in which we plan to identify the characteristics of East Asian regionalism by comparing them with those of European and the American regionalism. Based on these research results, we further plan to develop theoretical frameworks for Asian regionalism and to hold the International Symposium in 2007 to discuss the possibilities of the institutionalization of East Asian regionalism. Finally, we plan to publish a book that synthesizes the results of this project.
The Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Category B) has been offered to our project CREP by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for the academic years of 2006 and 2007.