■■■ Research Series
Research Series (No.20, 24 and 28) has been published as research outcome of CREP project.
■ Tamio Nakamura (ed.), Future East Asian Regionalism: Proposal for an East Asian Charter No.28 (Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, February 2008) 120pp 
■ Tamio Nakamura (ed.), The Dynamics of East Asian Regionalism in Comparative
Perspective, ISS Research Series No.24 (Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, February 2007) 276pp
■ Tamio Nakamura (ed.), Designing the Project of Comparative Regionalism, ISS Research Series No.20 (Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, March 2006) 110pp
■■■ Social Science Japan
Social Science Japan (No.38) has been published as research outcome of CREP project.
■■■ Articles
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